Our Believes
Help the most needy people of Latin America who live in low-income areas: providing them with school supplies, medical supplies, clothing, toys, food, building Recreation Parks, homes and letting them know that they are not alone. We love them and care for them.
Help people without political distinction, race, sex or religion. Prioritizing human and social needs. We are supportive through the people who now turn to us asking for help and never forget our roots, or the people who once held out their hands.
Raise awareness to humanity that there are many poor people who live in human deprivation and need our help to live in better conditions. We also want to expand to other cities in Honduras and other Latin American countries providing our services.
Learn MoreOur History
About us
The story of the group begins after a trip that Mrs. Anita Arias made to our native country of Honduras, as usual, she brought typical meals from there. It was April of the year 2015 Mrs. Anita children’s: Alma and Ronal Arias decided to invite friends of childhood that previously lived in Honduras. The invitation was attended by: Hilda Acosta, Modesto Reyes, Juan Mejía, Benito Mejía and Alex Gómez. After remembering many stories in their country they started talking about the needs that their hometown San Lorenzo in Candelaria Lempira Honduras and the proposal to join and form a group called Unidos Por San Lorenzo to do social work for their people, celebrate special days such as: Mother's Day, Children's Day, fair in the month of August among others. The way the group raises funds is through kermes, dinners in restaurants with entertainment and donations.
Due to the acceptance of this group in the community we decided to form a support group in San Lorenzo inviting people close to those who will make up the group. In 2015, the support group was formed by Edwin Canales, Ana Escamilla, Yenny Mejía, Hector Acosta, Elam Henríquez, Paola Mejía, Marito Mejía and Josué Reyes. Our first project was a Banda style outfit for the musical group "Los Jilgueritos", originally from San Lorenzo, the second project was to donate a sports uniform and financial support to FC San Lorenzo soccer team, third project celebrate Mother's Day in our village, fourth project was to donate 2,000 dollars to the young María Santos Jiménez who would undergo surgery with a knee prosthesis to improve her health.
In 2016 there were many changes with people who wanted to joing the group it entered: Guadalupe Alas, Fany Alas and Lidia Alas, in Honduras there were also some who for reasons of work and study could not continue but joined more people who continued to execute projects such is one of them our biggest social work at this time is the Mini Park being this a dream come true with the help of many people who joined to collaborate economically and donate work days.
In the year 2017 our group changes its name to: POR UN SL MEJOR INC, because it could not be registered legally with the previous name.
In 2018 there were other’s changes in the group, one of them was the resignation of members in the USA. The member’s that stayed at the group were: Ronal Arias president, Alma Arias vice president, Anita Arias treasurer and Jose Arias vocal. In Honduras, Catarino Reyes, Alfonso Menjivar, Elvia Orellana, Ana Escamilla, Fredesvinda Martínez, Doris Martínez, Sarahi Andrade, Denis Gerardo Nuñez, David Marente and Karen Jiménez. For this year the group was already more prepared, obtained legal advice in this country and there should be more responsibilities on the part of its members, this being a reason why many retired but still continue to collaborate as volunteers.
The same year the organization decided to prioritize the needs in health and education that many people in their country need.
A lot medical material was donated to the health center in our village. By initiative of Ronal Arias, School Kit project was donated to schools and kindergarten of 4 villages which are: Camapara, El Calvario, El Limón and San Lorenzo making a total of 288 children benefited in this project. The School Kit contained: backpack, notebook, colors, eraser, pencil sharpener, pencils, pens. Our mission is to continue helping people from Honduras and other countries in the world.